
by Manoj Dalmor Lodhi



This app has two tabs:WeightInside this user will get a simple screen with three text boxes namesKilo ka bhaav rupee meKhareed ki rakamResultKilo ka bhaav rupee me : in this text fields user need to fill product per kg priceKhareed ki rakam : in this text filed user need to fill amount for how much he/she want to buy or sale.Result in Kilograms: in this text filed user will get the weight number that be according to amount and kg price.Eg;Kilo ka bhaav rupee me: 40Khareed ki rakam : 20Result : 500 gramsRateInside this user will get a simple screen with three text boxes namesKilo ka bhaav rupee meSaman ka vajan in KilogramsResult in rupeesKilo ka bhaav rupee me : in this text fields user need to fill product per kg priceSaman ka vajan in Kilograms : in this text filed user need to fill product weight he/she want to buy or sale.Result in rupees : in this text filed user will get the amount price he/she need to pay or buy.Eg;Kilo ka bhaav rupee me: 40Saman ka vajan in Kilograms: 500 gramsResult: 20 rupees